The Twins

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It was close to three in the morning when I got off work, having to walk home because I don’t have a car but didn’t mind. Where I live is always safe… so I thought. There was an ominous feeling in the air that only got worse throughout the day. I’m now worried about heading home but sucking it up and went on my way anyways. There’s a pretty big park that I cut through that’s always lit up like a Christmas tree, but my gut was still in knots.

As I walked deeper into the empty and quiet park, the sounds of a girl whimpering and crying lightly in the distance filled the lone park and got louder the closer I get to the source. A young girl sat on a park bench under a street light. She had no shoes, only wearing a purple dress, her long white hair drapes over her shoulders. She held both hands to her eyes as she cried.

“Hey, kiddo, are you okay?” I ask, kneeling in front of her. She glances up at me with purple eyes that were puffy from her tears.

“I-I can’t find my sister!” she cried loudly, covering her eyes again. I couldn’t leave her here, so I officed to help her find her sister. Stupid me left my cell phone at home. Therefore, we couldn’t call the police.

The girl stopped crying but was still upset. To calm her down, I asked her name. “Ivy,” she whimpered, telling her that’s a pretty name I then asked her sister’s name and what she looked like. “Her name is Iris, she’s my twin sister, but she cut her hair short. I don’t like it… Thank you for helping me find her,” she thanked me.

Asking her more like why they were out here so late, how did she lose her sister, and where their parents were. Ivy sighs, “We were working and got separated… Our mom’s in heaven, our father-” she stopped. I got goosebumps when she giggled lightly, “He’s dead!” Swallowing hard, telling her that I’m sorry, but she shrugged it off, “Oh! Do you have any kitties or puppies! They’re so cute!” Ivy giggled again. I smiled, feeling a bit of unease but oddly calm at the same time.

It only took us a few minutes to find Ivy’s sister, but when we did, my stomach dropped. She stood over a dead man. His chest looked like ground-up meat as Iris held a bloody knife! When Ivy called her name and ran over, Iris turned she was covered in blood. Ivy started to yell at her for having “fun” without her. Both girls hugged, getting blood on Ivy, but she just giggled, staring down at her bloody dress, then they looked at me.

“Who’s that?” Iris asked coldly, which sent chills down my spine.

Ivy looks back at her sister giggled as she answers, “That’s the nice lady that helped me find you!” Iris glimpse at her then locks her cold eyes on me with an evil grin painted on her face!

I take a step back as they take a step towards me. Both of them stare at me with blank empty expressions, and then both spoke together saying the same thing, eerily. “He comes.”

Something told me to run, turning around I ran as their giggles followed behind. Turning down a different path, they were still there giggling. My lungs were burning, and my legs were getting sore, but I kept running until I tripped over something. My knees were bleeding the same with my palms! Ivy strolled over and stopped in front of me, looking up at her as she’s smiling down at me.

I peek behind me to see Iris stepping out of the bushes. “How stupid are you? Didn’t you see my leg?” she asks while walking around me then stood beside her sister. Ivy giggled, and Iris crossed her arms. Both were grinning down at me, excited that they caught their prey! Soon they looked up.

“Master Zalgo! We found you a gift!” Ivy cheered, waving her bloody hand high in the night cold air. Iris bowed with her hand over her chest with that sicking grin still on her face.

I started to cry as the feeling of death washed over me. The sounds of someone or something coming up from behind me got louder and louder. I screamed when the person stabbed me in the back with things that felt like long sharp claws. As they started to pull me away, the two girls watched and giggled monstrously, waving me goodbye.


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