The Visit

The masked man hovered over my misery-strickened face, his tool securely intertwined between his fingers. An apron draped over his body stained with trickles of blood from his last victim. If it were up to me, I would’ve given him a good right hook and high-tailed it out of there, but the sadistic prick had strapped me to the table. Even through his worn down mask, I could see a smile decorating his crooked face.
“Now, open wide.”

He forced his tool betwixt my lips. The cold, stannic taste almost made me vomit. He forcibly propped open my reluctant mouth with his slimy fingers and touched the tip of the tool to one of my teeth.
“Don’t worry, this will only hurt a little.” From the moment he took hold of my tooth, I knew he was lying. He yanked at my tooth with the force of a powerful magnet, copious amounts of blood sprayed from my mouth and added to his demented apron decorations.

My screams of terror go unheard by his ears as he rips the tooth from my mouth. I stare wide eyed as he held it above my gaze. Just when I thought it was over, he reached his tool in a second time, forcing out yet another tooth. I felt weakened by my torture, drifting in and out of consciousness. Tears ran down the sides of my cheeks. I wished repeatedly for my pain and suffering to finally end. Any hopes of getting out of this alive went down the drain when he brought out his final tool.

He crept his tool closer and closer before jabbing it in, drilling into my mouth like a madman. I flailed around trying desperately to get free, unfortunately he had an accomplice strong enough to hold me down. I stared into the blinding light above me, hoping that I’d make it out in one piece. Before long I was released from my horizontal prison, my torment was finally over. As I was walking out of the torture chamber, I heard his twisted, demented voice call out to me.
“Remember to floss from now on.”

Man, I hate the dentist


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