Break In

Dozing off in a rocking chair, Willy closes his eyes as he covers himself with a worn out knitted blanket his wife made years ago. As the fire crackles in the fireplace, Willy basks in the warmth as he begins to settle in for a long cozy night. He rocks back in his chair, shadows creep by peering through the window blinds behind him. Making their way to the backdoor, he hears the doorknob creak as it turns. Willy continues to rock peacefully.

The door scrapes against the uneven floor as a dirty boot steps in. A frayed black skirt along with black and white striped leggings come into view as a girls face makes appearance. Her face disfigured with a green tint to her skin complexion. Warts cover parts of her face as her stringy black hair covers the rest. Quietly stepping in behind her, a long black cape droops to the floor as a pale white male steps in.

Looking around the room he turns back smiling exposing his fangs as he nods his head. Joining the witch, the vampire moves out of the way as a zombie comes shuffling in. His skin hanging from various locations of his rotted face, the zombie shuffles in as it looks around the back room. The last being starts to make it’s way up the stairs, a werewolf. Lifting its hind legs to climb the stairs, the others wait and look around the back room.

As the wolf goes to put it’s paw in, it snags against a thin wire hidden in the doorway. A small beeping sound catches the attention of the group before an explosion blinds them obliterating the werewolf into a rain fall of warm guts and the smell of napalm.

The back door frame collapses into rubble of plaster of wood with blood in between as the crew lay on the ground with ringing in their ears. The zombie lays there unable to move before realizing a chunk of wood is wedged into his knee from the blast. The witch and vampire stumble to their feet when they turn and see Willy standing in the mist of all the dust and dirt, a large grin imprinted on his face between his white stubble and scars. Letting the blanket slide off his shoulder, a machine gun is revealed in his grip.

The witch and vampire gasp as they look back at the zombie. Willy raises his arm with a smirk on his face,” Why hello there.”.Willy pulls the trigger as bullets begin to spray sporadically down his hallway. The witch and vampire shove a door open screaming as they leave the zombie behind. Running down the hallway he turns to the back room seeing the zombie on the ground. Willy walks over and upon seeing the zombie, begins to ferociously stomp onto it’s head until it’s brain turns into a puddle of soup seeping into the wooden floor.

Scraping his boot off the stomach of the zombie, Willy turns and drops a clip out before loading another one. He creeps down the hallway looking into the shadows of the house like a thief as he searches for the last two monsters. The witch hides behind a couch in the living room covering her shuddering mouth as her heart slams against her chest. Her knees feel weak, her stomach is in a maze of knots and sweat drips down her face.

She pokes her head out looking at the front door and rears it back behind the furniture upon hearing the floor boards creak. She puts both hands over her mouth and closes her eyes as she hears the echoes of footsteps bounce off the living room walls. The sound more uncomfortably close now. Drops of remorse fall from her eyes as she regrets her decision, she remembers the werewolf getting blown up, the sound of the zombie as it’s skull separated like an old honeydew melon under Willy’s boot, how they were not coming back and that it was her fault.
Her body clenches up as she hears Willy’s voice shout, “Quit wasting my time, you’re not leaving here alive now! I’ve sent plenty of bastards to keep the devil company, got four more coming tonight!”.

Looking around the room Willy begins to fire in circles while laughing. Debris from the wall blows into dust along with broken glass from the pictures on the wall. The witch whimpers and tries to cover her mouth again but Willy begins to fire at the couch and ends up shooting the witch in her right ankle. Willy drops the gun and pulls out a hunting knife from his side as he walks forwards and kicks the couch out of the way. The witch lays on the floor crying holding her leg and turns with one arm up begging for mercy.

Willy bends down and picks her up by her hair and smiles as he puts the blade to her throat, “I’ve never done anything to you, yet you break into my home and try to snuff me out?! Do you have any idea who I am?!”.

He presses the blade into her soft skin and drops it as he tumbles forward hitting the ground. The witch hits the ground as she sees the vampire on Willy’s back gripping his hands across his face covering his eyes. “Run!”, the vampire screams as he tries to hold down the large man. The witch turns to crawl and pull herself across the cold wooden floor as she sees the exit to freedom just in front of her. Willy stands up and turns running in random directions with his back slamming the vampire into the walls and bookshelf.

The vampire grunts in pain and lets go dropping to the floor. Willy stands upright catching sight of the vampire and grabs a piece of broken glass from a mirror and lunges forward slamming all his weight into the monster. He grabs it by the throat and stabs the vampire in the mouth repeatedly cutting out chunks of gum and broken teeth. “Let’s see you bite someone now!”, Willy shouts as the vampire tugs at his shirt tightly.

It’s feet trembling as he begins to go into shock, Willy slams the broken shard into it’s head, its arms and legs drop sideways to the floor. Willy lets go of the glass as his hand reveals a open gash in his palm from the grip.

The witch reaches the door crying hysterically, she continues to hear the vampires cries in her mind as he sacrificed himself for her. Raising to her left knee she turns the door knob and pulls back allowing the cold night air to hit her face. A glimmer of hope flows through her thoughts as she begins to crawl out onto the porch. Pulling her weight down the steps she sees blue and red lights reflecting off the windows of the houses across the street. A smile curves across her lips as she feels safe for a moment, the street in view not too far now.

Crawling with all her strength she slows down as she feels fire in her lungs. Looking down she sees blood dripping off her black dress falling onto the concrete. She feels the fire burn across her back and legs now. Letting go she falls to the floor as Willy steps out with his gun. Reloading the gun, he sees the cops pull up and screech to a halt before they jump out of their vehicles.

“Put the gun down and put your hands on your head!”, an officer shouts. Willy looks around and smiles before aiming the gun towards the police.

His body is riddled with bullets, he falls backwards lifeless. As he fades out he sees more monsters and creatures in the distance. Some screaming, some crying. Everything goes black as his soul is released from his corpse. An officer runs up to the witch and rolls her over only to see that it’s just a warm body. An older witch comes into the crowd and sees the officer with the body on the front yard, she begins to scream and cry and tries to run to her but another officer runs up to her stopping her. The older witch screams falling into the officers arms shouting, “Please God don’t take her from me! Please I’m begging you!”

The bodies get zipped up in bags as swarms crowd around behind the yellow tape. A rookie cop goes up to an officer and asks, “What the hell? It was a massacre in there.”. The officer takes his hat off and puts his head down before replying, “This is Old Willy’s house. He was the outcast of Mooncrest. Isolated, kept to himself. Kinda creepy even. Kids around town started avoiding his house after some started rumors about him. Eventually it became a dare, a tradition even. Who was brave enough to break into Old Willy’s house on Halloween night and bring proof back? He kept to himself cause he was a war veteran with PSTD.”. Looking back at the kids being rolled into the meat wagons the officer replies, “Willy didn’t see children in costumes doing a dare. He saw monsters attacking his home, and was ready for war this time.”

  • Amber Izer

    Omg this was really good. At first I thought it was too much with having vampires, witches, zombies and wearwolf too but then after a little while I thought’ “ok this is going to be a funny kind of creepy pasta.” because the bad guys were running from the good guy. But then toward the end I didn’t know what was happening. But just before the police started talking about old man Willy I figured out it was Halloween. That made me laugh and then I realize just how messed up that was. Great story. Keep writing stories. This was great.

    • Ray Ramirez

      Yeah this was one of my more random stories that don’t make much sense, thank you though!

      • Anita Hardin

        I really enjoyed this one too, even though at first I didn’t know what was going on lol
        It seems that everything you write is awesome, but of course you know I love Arbatian Mental Institution the best! ❤

        • Ray Ramirez

          Well thank you! 🙂

      • Amber Izer

        Wow I didn’t know you rote it. Hahaha this didn’t seem like your kind of story. Nice!

        • Ray Ramirez

          Oh hell lol this is from my first book. You know how AMI has a theme with almost every chapter being a different monster or death or something? My first book is about an entire town cursed so every chapter is a different being or monster and different people all unaware that each person is bound to a horrible fate.

          • Amber Izer

            I should be reading these too. Where do I find them?

          • Ray Ramirez

            Oh I just posted random chapters so far, none of them were in order. I just took a chance and posted An Unusual Request. From there I posted Christmas and this one. But the book isn’t finished I think I’m on chapter 40? I plan on making it around 60 chapters.

          • Amber Izer

            Sweet. And all 60 chapters are different little stories that somehow tie into each other? Remarkable. Can’t wait to read more. I wish this site told you who the writer is. I don’t find out who wrote what until they comment back to me.

          • Ray Ramirez

            Every single one tie in at one point or another. I haven’t posted that one cuase not every chapter is horror some actually have good endings and a couple are sad. The third book that ties in is called Night Life. It’s about an underage prostitute whos life is saved by a stranger with incredible strength. As the night goes she finds out meeting him wasn’t by accident. Then the final book in the series is called Detective but I’m only like 2 chapters into that one. I’m way behind lol

  • Qoqo H

    This story actually made me very sad. Not for the kids, but for Willy ;(

    • Ray Ramirez

      I didn’t think about it like that

      • QoqoTheMurderer

        Yeah sorry, I have a weird way of seeing things.

        • Ray Ramirez

          No need to apologize I like your perspective. It’s a different view than i thought of.

          • QoqoTheMurderer

            Thank you 😉 Btw: I love all of your stories. I’ve been binging on your creepypastas for a while now.

          • Ray Ramirez

            Oh thank you! Glad you’re liking em

          • QoqoTheMurderer

            I am, keep up the good work!

          • Ray Ramirez

            Thank you 🙂

  • Aaron Garland

    I didn’t realize you wrote this one too until I read the comments I’m a huge fan of your
    Arbatian stories as well keep up the good work!

    • Ray Ramirez

      Oh thank you!

  • dachelle johnson

    Wonderful writing areally you the one that’s writing a book with skullandbones?

    • Ray Ramirez

      Hey thanks! And yeah why? We’re working on a purgatory book together and a zombie one. Each chapter will be differnet and written in turns.

      • dachelle johnson

        I’m looking forward to reading it

        • Ray Ramirez

          Thanks we appreciate that 🙂

  • Psynderis

    This one is fantastic! I LOVE the twist at the end!! Extremely well done.

    • Ray Ramirez

      Thank you so much! This was from a book idea about a cursed town but my phone broke and I lost a ton of stories that I’m not willing to rewrite, so gave up on that. If you ever read a story and you hear “Mooncrest” mentioned, it’s where everything was supposed to begin.

      • Psynderis

        Oh, no! That’s awful! I’ve had the same thing happen to me several times over the years, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. I had been working on a novel for THREE YEARS (as well as several other projects) only to have every single notebook get destroyed in a flood. The novel was almost done too. It’s STILL a painful thought, and this happened over 10 years ago.

        • Ray Ramirez

          Omg that would be devastating. What was the novel about? You said you were gonna post more stories on here, what kind are you working on now? I’m juggling 4 stories right now going back and forth.

          • Psynderis

            It was a humorous fantasy novel. I’ve actually been putting down random notes, not to recreate the novel I lost, but to attempt a similar concept. I have 6 other stories I’m working on. 4 of them are horror (and all loosely based on actual experiences I’ve had), one I started for my World Mythology class and just lived the idea (I want to make this one into either a novella or full-length novel), and I honestly don’t know how describe the last one.

          • Ray Ramirez

            Oh wow they sound awesome, would you be willing to send what you have written down so far on the horror ones? I’d like to see if that’s okay. If not I completely understand that as well.

          • Psynderis

            Yeah, absolutely! I’ll send it in the morning because it’s all on my laptop. Maybe you could even give me advice and/or constructive criticism. You have amazing talent and creativity, so I know any advice you could give me would only improve my stories. I don’t want you to feel obligated to do so though.

          • Ray Ramirez

            I really don’t think I’m that good but I would love to try to help, maybe you could give me advice on a story I’m working on right now? And okay awesome, my email is [email protected]

          • Psynderis

            Sorry, I just got your message. I’d love to help if I’m able to. I’ll email that stuff in a bit.

          • Ray Ramirez

            Okie Dokie

          • Psynderis

            Sent 😀