The Walk

It was a late night, I was walking to my girlfriends house. She texted me that she thinks her parents have pulled up to her house. As I’m walking on the sidewalk texting her, I hear someone or something behind me.

I try to ignore it. But it keeps on making noises. So I turn around to nothing but leaves on the sidewalk drifting into the streets and tall trees slanting over my head.

I’m at my girlfriends house, standing in front of the driveway and I see a black can parked. I text my girlfriend to see if she is ok. I have been waiting 20 minutes for a text back, but nothing was sent. I didn’t hear anything from inside the house.

I sneak around to the back, I look through the sliding glass door. I see 2 men or women standing there with gas make on with guns searching the house. I don’t have a weapon at all. So I wait till the people walk away. I open the sliding glass door and walk in. As soon as I do BANG!!!!!!! I was hit with the back of a gun.

The next thing I know is I wake up in a dark room filled with tall creatures. I scream and yell but no one heard or came. I feel a sharp object go in my stomach. The creatures are saying weird things. I finally hear a person who speaks English.

It was my girlfriend… I was never seen again…


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