Letter to My Friend

I know you.

Let me clarify; I know who you are, but you don’t know me. Formally, at least. You see, I’ve known you for a long time. I’ve watched you grow and mature, from when you were young all the way up to now. It’s a strange feeling, talking to someone you’ve only watched for so many years. I get butterflies, so many thoughts I have to put into words. You know the feeling don’t you? Somebody you stalk for awhile, but are too nervous to talk to. Only I’ve never been nervous, I was just watching.

I’m getting off track. I thought I would say hello, break the silence. You are a fascinating creature, well, when you’re sleeping anyways. Peaceful, unconscious, then you roll over, mumble a few things and fall back asleep. I do get bored when you don’t move, so sometimes I just cover your mouth until you begin to suffocate, then you jump awake. I always grin when that happens. Such a curious and strange thing. You look around with such panic and worry, but never catch me. I’ve always been there though.

There are many of us, those who hide from the unaware. We all do the same thing. We watch and study, and we very much like to play. A shadow moving by, things pushed off of tables, little sounds that happen only once. We test ourselves, seeing how far we can go before you notice us. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes we go a little too far and get spotted. I’m glad you never caught me. It is not good when we are caught.

I remember some of the games we use to play. I always liked removing your pillow and putting it on the floor, and you would look around confused when you woke. Turning your body sideways was another of my favorites, as was twisting your head so your neck would ache all day. However, my favorite game was the up and down. I would lift your body off of the bed, and let you rest in my hands for a few minutes. You would bend over my arms, like I had sucked all the life out of your corpse. Then I would let you fall back to your bed. You would awake and forcefully sit up, covered in sweat and out of breath. I would laugh for hours afterwards. You were always so confused. You had no idea it was me. You were so scared.

You must be wondering why I’ve contacted you. Don’t fret my dear, I am not caught, and you are safe. This game has, unfortunately, grown uneventful. As you’ve grown, you stopped being afraid. You’re no longer frightened by the sounds, you ignore things moving around throughout the night, you sleep deeper than when you were small. This hurts me. Do you not like to play? You use to fear the dark, sleep use to be a chore. I was ecstatic. I was entertained for many years by you. I use to enjoy watching you, but you’ve changed. Many nights you do not wake up, and you are calm and comfortable. This won’t do. I do not want to overdo my tricks, because I do not want to be caught, for your sake. Bad things will happen if I am seen. Therefore, I’ve decided to announce my presence to you. Think back to every time you were roused from sleep, every time you’ve feared the boogeyman under your bed, every nightmare you’ve had. I was there. I was responsible. I was watching. I hope that now that you know of me, you will begin to play with me again.

So I’ll be where I always have been, at the end of your bed, watching you tonight. I’ll make sure you know that I am close by, so we can play all of my favorite games again. Don’t look to hard for me though, as there are things much worse than me for those who see.

I’ve missed you. You are my friend.


I’ll be waiting for the lights to go out.


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