I will Never Escape Patient 702

It has happened again. I was writing in my journal for schizophrenia when I was pushed to the back of my mind. I watched, unable to do anything to stop it as my hand wrote without my consent.

Here’s what it wrote:

Giggles bounce off the walls in the most sadistic way possible. She giggles insistently. Every waking moment it’s giggles. It’s like she’s always happy. How can someone be that happy all the time? It’s unnatural! She’s unnatural!

I guess I should introduce myself. I am Jerald; or, patient 703. Every even number was an experiment while the odds were actual mental health patients. I was in for trying to off myself. Patient 702, Jasmine, or Smile as she was so graciously nicknamed, was always happy. It was a blessing when I was finally released. Until the nightmares started. All of them about her. Patient 702.

All those sleepless nights led me to the thing that got me placed in the asylum in the first place; but this time, I succeeded. Yet they still bother me. I will never escape patient 702.


I am still terrified of this “Jerald.” It scares me to know he has entered my head without me consenting to it. I have to wonder what else he is capable of.


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