The Halloween Murder Spree

I Awoke in a haunting.. Cold room.. It sent shivers down my spine.. I was chained up against a wall.. These cold, sharp, chains felt heavy on my weak wrists. Many things ran through my mind at that moment.. Where was i? How did i get here and WHO brought me here. I panicked and almost had an anxiety attack.  I tried to calm myself down and it worked.. I tried to remember what happened to me and pick up the pieces, But i had a hard time because I had a sharp headache and felt like complete s**t.. Like when you get hungover for your first time. I remembered tonight was halloween.. There would be trick or treaters so i tried yelling my lungs out.. My words pierced the air strugglily. My lungs felt like boulders in my chest.. The air was heavy. I eventually found out i was trapped in a basement or a dungeon of some kind But with no windows. The area was huge and old and dirty.. There were supports made out of hard wood. I noticed a pile of old boxes.. I could breathe the dust from here.. It smelled of rotted flesh. It smelled like it was here a while.. I tried my best not to freak the f**k out. About a few feet away were stairs that led upstairs. I tried to struggle again to get these f*****g chains off of me. They were on my wrists for so f*****g long that it was piercing my skin.. They were covered with rust. The more i struggled the more i bled.. But i stopped struggling when a masked man with a burlap sack with deathly eyes, And a slit mouth.. He sort of looked like the killer from nightbreed. That one movie with these stupid creatures.. I hated that movie.. He came down the stairs and i heard each and every step as he walked towards me. He was wearing a buisness suit. Stained with nose killing blood. He sort of just stared at me and i started confronting him, Asking him questions that he didn’t answer.. I was yelling like a madman. Begging him to let me go, I finally gave up and he calmly said his name was Mr. Chills.. He had a low, Soft, Charming voice. He then said he felt pitiful for me.. His words made my chest feel faint and heavy.. I almost felt.. Safe. He then turned his camera on. I heard a click and he said “We’re live” And he got closer and stabbed a empty syringe in me.. In my neck.. And another and another. Each one feeling like a gunshot wound. He then took a filled one. And drugged me once more. I was knocked out cold.. I had a flashback while i was asleep. I remembered The last thing i could before i woke up. I drove to a bar because my girlfriend dumped my sorry a*s. I was an alcoholic. A beautiful, Nice, Soft Spoken girl with brown and blondish hair and with warm brown eyes appealed to me in that bar. She shot me winks every time we made eye contact. I had a few drinks when she came over to me. She already orded a drink for me. By this time only me, her and the bartender were in the bar, And me and her talked for a bit and i started to drink whatever she bought me.. I felt sleepy and i soon was knocked out cold after following her out to her car and falling asleep in the passenger seat. I woke up at that time. I understood what happened and i was f*****g drugged. But that was the last of my worries because my arms ached and felt heavier then they did before i was drugged by this scary prick. I picked my head up and noticed he had slit one of my wrists and i noticed i was leaking blood through a 4 by 4 and bandages. This was only the beginning of my torture


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