Terrified of the Night

As a kid, I’m almost positive that you were scared of the dark, or what lies in it. Honestly, the dark still freaks me out to this day. And that’s why I’m writing this. I’m willing to admit I have Anxiety and it’s hard for me to stand the dark at points. Even as a kid, I was extremely scared of the dark. I believed in monsters that came to eat your soul, or eat your liver. But, to this day, even though I don’t believe in monsters anymore. But being a teenager is not helping my situation.

Recently, I claimed that I was experiencing Insanity first-hand. No one believed me, but for the people I asked to try to help with this situation, became fearful of me. It’s like I was the monsters from my childhood. But I had one friend, one of my best friends to be exact. Krystan. She did her best to help me through it all, and to this day she still does. She trys to help me believe I’m not.


“— You’re not insane. Trust me.”

“Krystan, how do you explain this all? I’m hearing voices, and seeing figures that aren’t actually there. You say it’s stress but it doesn’t feel overwhelming like stress does.”

“I understand that, — but trust me. Maybe school and home issues are getting to your head. Take your Insomnia medications and try to sleep through this all. It’s almost 10.”

“Krystan, I can’t sleep. The pills won’t work well enough when I’m freaking out. Last time that happened I woke up on the kitchen floor, my right arm cut up bloody, with a shaky grip on a kitchen knife. And having my left arm twitching and shaking aswell. I don’t want a repeat of that.”

“True, hey give me a second. I’m going to look up some solutions online. It’ll only take 5 minutes.”

5 minutes. Hehe. Didn’t seem like long…right? But little did I know, that 5 minutes was far from “Not too long”. I sat there in my lifted bed, waiting for what seems to be an eternity. Waiting, just waiting for her to be Active again. I’d sit there, staring at the Active Bar, waiting for her Profile picture to pop up. About 2 minutes passed, and I hear a faint noise running through the house. I know that my parents and sisters are sleeping. I would hear them storming through the house with Iron strapped to the bottom of their feet. No. This noise was almost silent compared to my family. I didn’t want to step out of my some what safe room into the hallway. I didn’t trust many things at night anymore. I’d act like a small, frightened child, hiding under my comforter and thin blanket. I could hear the noises getting closer to my room. But suddenly, the footsteps stopped. Right in front of my door… I could hear the door knob moving to unlock it. But it sounded like one of my parents. I felt a tiny bit of relief flow through my body. I lifted my head out of the covers, trying to spot my parents.  Except it wasn’t them when they opened the door… My parents weren’t tall, oddly skinny, and had extremely long and sharp razor claws. At that moment, my body couldn’t take it. I blacked out, never to be heard about again…


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