Sweet Tooth

Sugar, chips, coke, he had it all. He would sneak out his room, tip toe down the staircase while Papa Daniel was in bed and there it all was; all the sweet sugary substances he would need to be happy his whole life (well unless if he dies of diabetes of course).

But nooo… Papa Daniel just would not let lil’ Jon get his goods. “This is the third g******n time Jon, do you WANT to have cavities?” he would say. Well, it was only a few bottles of coke and a few dozen packets of sweets, what’s the big deal?

Lil’ Jon sure was getting a serious toothache one Thursday night though. He wouldn’t tell his papa neither, he wouldn’t want to let his papa know that he was right, after all, he told him so.

The package arrived the next day, 8 packets of Chips, 3 bottles of coke and 10 packets of sweets. “Don’t you dare touch those Jon, those are for Aunt Mabel when she visits tomorrow.” Jon nodded, he didn’t want to eat it anyways, not when his tooth was hurtin’ like hell.

“Where are the freakin’ food Jon ?!” Papa shouted. It made Lil Jon jump out of his skin. “What are you talking about Papa, I ain’t no touch em.” Lil Jon shivered, he held on to his cheeks, trying to numb the toothache, but Papa saw… “Are you having a toothache? What the hell did I tell ya? You ate all the goddamn food and Aunt Mabel ain’t no gettin’ no food later because of you! God I wish your mom was here.”

Lil Jon cried and cried, Papa always blamed him for everything, he didn’t eat the food, or maybe, he ate it in his sleep…

8 packets of chips, he thought. How the heck did he eat 8 freakin’ packets of chips all by himself… He’s a god darn junkie, gotta tell his counsellor or somethin’…

“PAPA, MY MOUTH IS BLEEDING!” Lil Jon screamed in the bathroom. There was a large grotesque cut between the gums and the lower canine teeth. “Oh god darn it,  what the hell are you trying to FREAKIN DO !” Oh no… Papa Danny is real pissed now. “WHAT WERE YOU DOING, TRYING TO BALANCE A KNIFE ON YOUR TEETH OR SOMETHIN’ ?” Lil Jon whimpered, he had never seen pops so mean and scawwey before. “I’m going out to have a freakin’ drink.” Papa sighed and stormed out the house, Lil Jon cried and hid in the blankets. He had never actually thought of Papa abandoning him before, the thought was terrifying.

“I DIDN’T EAT IT!!!” his face was red and furious, Papa’s food vase was shattered on the ground, all of Papa’s  junk food spilled out of it. Lil Jon stared, Lil Jon lifted his feet, Lil Jon crushed the food, he hated it…

Papa Daniel held a bag of sweets in one hand… “Hey, Jon? I’m sorry about before… It was a little harsh, I brought some sweets for ya!” Papa Daniel ain’ received no response, he ain’ gonna receive one any time soon.

“Jon? Im Sorry…” Papa Daniel slowly opened the door…

…and Lil Jon’s jaw was eaten wide open.

Papa Daniel screamed, Papa Daniel cried, Papa Daniel felt a cut at his jaw…

2 Weeks Later…

“Mr Romansky, we have finally found out what the organism is, it is a new species of microorganism that feeds on sugar at a very high rate, it could literally eat a whole cow in 4 days.”

“Do you think it may have eaten the whole of Daniel Montgomery and his son’s jaw and upper row of teeth?”

“Yes, we found more of the species in their backyard, it appears it came from a large crater-like hole, whether the Montgomery family knew of its existence is unknown, but we examined the hole and it looked like it was created around 3 weeks ago.”

“Jesus Christ… That was around the time the meteor fall occured…”

The laboratory went silent…

The phone rings…

Mr Romansky picks it up…

“Hello, this is The Hospital, we have received six more people with their jaw missing.”


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