
Have you ever been in a store that revolves around electronics and come across a random USB that you assume some one miss places… well after reading this you will want to leave as fast as possible at the first sight of this puzzling little data container…

The spermrot.avi USB contains 7 video files each more confusing than the last…

The first video is called”GnOMES..i” it runs for 17 minutes and 36 seconds. In that time it shows a man that appears in a clearing of trees with one LED light giving off back yard vibe from it… he appears to be being chased by a group of small gnome like creatures that are not only chasing him but scaring the day lights out of him in the process…

Most of the video is black because the man in the video has more important things on his mind than video quality…

The second video is named “jackle000” it is only 3 seconds long and it’s of a roaring fire in an ash covered brick fireplace as dark eyes start to glow a garnet color within the raging fire before the video suddenly ends… This creature is thought to be the beast named “the on looker of hellfire”…

The third video is called “Do,you,lik.3..” This video contains a dazzling array of color that watchers have documented that while watching they have experienced numbness and nauseous feeling while the video plays…

The fourth video that appears on the spermrot.avi USB is called “i,,.”1373ii?4” and it runs for 3hours, 45 minutes and 6 seconds… Now this video file is of odd undecoded text that is used like it has a translation but one has yet to be found… This video also has a cryptic audio track to it that consists of 7 high frequencies, 4 low frequencies and finally 3 harmonised frequencies from all across the spectrum of tones and pitches…

The fifth video of this confusing web of subconsciously disturbing files of events caught on tape is called “ThE mAn In My WiNdOw” it runs for 3 minutes and 51 seconds and it follows a man and his battle with an entity he presumes to be a stalker but is sorely mistaken when the final day of his 11 day compilation of his sleeping from the dressers point of view when this, what he assumes is a person stretches a long tentacle under the slightly cracked window to pull it up the rest of the way to practically seep into the bedroom and start over a 3 hour period engolf his sleeping body with darkness and slither out with the body never to be seen again…

The 6th video is one of the more intriguing one with the name of “Antran.1” and running for a 16 minute and 33 second period which in that time explains the origins of a child like android named Antran…

The 7th and final video on the spermrot.avi USB is called “……………..” it runs for 1 day, 23 hours, 18 minutes and 48 seconds long and will cause anyone who watches the video more than 7 seconds internal tearing by an unknown force as all the cartilage in the body all rushes into the heart,  then you will begin to cough and cough until your lungs are slowly and painfully pushed upward out you esophagus till it has most of your lungs out of your body past your teeth…

That is all that is contained in the spermrot.avi USB and so when ever you see that quote on quote “misplaced” USB… just think to your self… curiosity killed the cat…


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