
Hi, my name is Jordo. I am currently 19 and living alone. This story happened to me awhile back and it recently resurfaced in my memory somehow.

Let me set the scene for you, I was watching the clock full of boredom and stress, I just wanted to go home and play with my new “XBOX 360” that I recently bought around that time. The clock was nearing 2:30 pm and I was about to grab my binder and run out the classroom. DING! The school bell rang and I quickly ran out that door faster than you can say Chimichanga, I quickly opened my locker, grabbed my stuff, shoved my binder down my backpack, closed my locker and ran off towards the main doors.

The air was crisp and clear like no pollution ever dared to come close as if it were special. As usual, the first school buses around the corner and stopped at raced to their own special parking space, they stayed there and waited until they got what they wanted, their students, passengers, etc. I waited and played on my iPhone 4s until my bus came.

As soon as all the buses left I started walking home until my bus came. It had different colors, tinted windows, and even different brand, but with the same business name. I shrugged and paced my way towards the bus, I opened the door and he looked through his driver mirror and gave me a quick look. “Are you Jordi?”, he asked with a French accent.

“No, my name is Jord-o, with an O”, I began pronouncing my name until he agreed and began to ask my address. I told him my address and he input it in his old GPS so old most of his screen touches weren’t even read properly. I chuckled under my breath a few times as he kept swearing at the thing.

He eventually got it right and began to follow the waypoint. 6 Minutes pass and he said he needs to drop off some paperwork at his office. I shrugged and he went off route.

When we got there, we or I, had a change of drivers, “Hey, hey kiddo. Sorry! He had to go to the bathroom, she said to take care of my shift.”, he explained. I can clearly see blood marks on his hands and I begin to freak out. goosebumps grew in my arms and my arm hair stood up sharply. “Backup and Turn Right”, the GPS explained with a blank, emotionless remark.

“Backup and Turn Right”, the driver mocked with the same blank, emotionless response. “Ah, we don’t need this”, he added. At that point, I was texting my mom, “Don’t call me, Someone abducted me, please, please send help”.

My mom immediately texted back with, “GET OUT OF THERE RITE NOW!! THIS ISNT FUNNY! IF I FIND YOU HOME YOU ARE GROUNDED UNTIL YOU GO TO COLLEGE!!”. I rolled my eyes and held up my phone ready to take a picture, “CLICK!” the phone let out that annoying sound. The driver went into a complete stop screeching the tires and launching me to the front of the car. “Give me your phone”, he said in a serious and deep voice. I handed my now cracked cellular device and briskly sat on the passenger seat…


Twitter: @_killingtime69

  • EeveeArcanine

    Why would the mom assume it was a prank and two why would you just give the guy your phone.

    • disqus_aeGoSyf5IK

      I don’t wanna lose my life over a damn phone

      • KillingTime69


  • MissMe123

    Where’s the rest of it?

    • journee


    • KillingTime69

      Part 2 Coming Soon

    • KillingTime69

      Part 2 Coming Soon

  • Killer bunny

    This clearly isn’t a true story cause there’s no ending and the story teller aka victim phone is now taken so not very good story sorry to say

    • KillingTime69

      Wait For Part 2

  • Creepywolf

    Can anyone tell me what happens next

    • KillingTime69

      Part 2 Coming Soon

    • KillingTime69

      Part 2 Coming Soon

  • KillingTime69

    In The Works.

    • Rebecca


  • KillingTime69

    Part 2

  • KillingTime69

    “I” was like 12

    • journee

      Im 12 and i wouldn’t do that

      • KillingTime69

        Well people are different.

  • KillingTime69

    If anybody is curious about the rest of the story. Its in the works I just need a break. Thanks for all the support. Im typing the story rn as we speak.

  • KillingTime69


  • Killer bunny

    Even with a part two the story is still f****d up and clearly not true at all unless there’s proof somewhere? But highly doubtful

    • KillingTime69

      EvEn WiTh A pArT tWo ThE sToRy Is StIiL f****D uP aNd ClEaRlY nOt TrUe At aLl UnLeSs ThErE’s PrOoF sOmEwHeRe? BuT hIgHlY dOuBtFuL

  • journee

    When is part 2 and did the bus driver hurt whoever this is about

    • KillingTime69

      Wait Until Part 2

  • KillingTime69


  • The Elvish Wolf

    To me, this sounds really really similar to the actual events of kids being kidnapped in school buses currently. There is even a video with the text convo of a girl who got kidnapped and was talking to a friend and her friend’s dad as she was kidnapped.

    • KillingTime69
