
I awoke in a dark labyrinth with no memory of how I got there. My body ached and all I had on me was a flashlight and a pocket knife. I didn’t even remember my own name. Alex, Austin, Preston maybe? I fumbled in my pocket for the flashlight and I turned it on. The beam of light cut through the darkness like a knife. All I could see around me were stone walls. I walked down the hall and I came to a fork in the halls. There was a path on the left and a path on the right. I thought in my head for a while and went down the right hallway. I could hear moans all around me. I couldn’t see anything but the stone walls and floor.

As I walked the batteries in my flashlight died so I was left in the dark, feeling my way through the stone halls. When suddenly the walls began to get warm… and squishy. To my horror I found the walls had transitioned from walls of stone and brick to walls of flesh and bone. I could hear the moans more clearly now. I even felt a face in the wall frozen in terror as if it were alive when it was fused into that monstrous structure. I began to run when suddenly I found myself falling. I felt something stab through my entire body. It felt like hundreds of spikes just shot through me. As I took my final breaths, I laid there hoping someone else would not share the same fate I had.

I awoke in a dark labyrinth with no memory of how I got there. My body ached and all I had on me was a flashlight and a pocket knife. I didn’t even remember my own name Alex, Austin, Preston maybe? I fumbled in my pocket for the flashlight and I turned it on. The beam of light cut through the darkness like a knife. I could see all around me were stone walls. I walked down the hall and I came to a fork in the halls there was a path on the left and a path on the right. After some thinking I decided to go down the left hallway something just gave me a bad feeling about the hallway on the right.

I walked for what seemed like hours coming to dead ends and to stair cases that led into solid walls. I wondered who built this place. As I sat down to rest I heard a click and something moved behind me. To my horror the walls began to close in on me. I ran with a panic but I wasn’t fast enough. The walls began to crush me. I felt all my bones snap and break. I finally died in excruciating pain crushed between two stone walls. As my vision faded, I prayed no one else would share the same fate I had.

I awoke in a dark labyrinth with no memory of how I got there. My body ached and all I had on me was a flashlight and a pocket knife. I didn’t even remember my own name Alex, Austin, Preston maybe?…


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