
I’m petrified of dolls for one reason, a dream. Yes I had this dream like 5 years ago but still, dolls are haunting my very existence… And I have 3 on my shelf.

All have pale skin wide eyes pastel hair and cute clothing styles but they are a little more than they seem. Suki is one, another is Yuno and last is Shikaki I don’t know why they are named that but they are. Let’s just get to the point.

The first encounter was when I bought the third and final doll. I loved them a lot. That night I tried to go to sleep by shutting my eyes. ‘They’ must have thought I was asleep but I wasn’t. So I heard ‘them’ talk for a while. It was all little things. Then I heard, “I hate her” and “let’s take her”. I was scared to say in the least but who were they talking about. Clueless as I was. It was me.

I left it as a dream.

Then it happened again off my shelf they weren’t, but in my bed. Instead gripping my legs in their tiny plastic hands. I nearly s**t myself. I was petrified. I had to do something about it. So I quickly thought to the half full sprite bottle I had beside my bed and grabbed it to quickly slam it to their large heads nearly knowing them off their tiny necks and bodies.

They are still on my shelf but just with bobbles surrounding their petite bodies. I still hear them converse but just a little quieter…


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