The Night We Couldn’t Sleep

This actually happened, whether you believe it or not.

For a period of time and ex and I lived in a friend’s house up in Maine. During the time of use staying there we slept on their couch which had reclining seats, in the front room. We were both sleeping and my then boyfriend told me to “stop”, he kept swatting by the right side of his head, saying “stop”, as he was annoyed to be woken up while he was sleeping. This woke me up, and I said to him, “Stop what? I’m not doing anything…” He said he kept feeling something touching him behind his ear.

We both attempted to go back to sleep and then as soon as I was beginning to, I felt a finger lightly graze behind my right ear a couple of times. I immediately sprang up and woke him up. Whatever was touching him was not touching me. This was around 3am.

We woke up, and we’re creeped out. We felt the presence of a man near the door, he was wearing a hat with a big brim and had long hair. I told him to go away. What happened next was even creepier.

We started hearing a drum, a single drum as if a native American was playing it, and it kept going and getting louder and louder. It sounded like it was coming from the basement below us. Then we heard what sounded like a mouse in the ceiling above us, moving around. By this time one of their cats was interested. Whatever was in the ceiling started buzzing, the way an insects wings sound, like a bees wings buzzing, only it was so loud. This was in the dead of winter, so what could it have been?

As we heard it fly around the attic, we heard it coming closer to where the stairs were that led down to where we were. The stairs were behind us and the door was closed. The cat followed the noise climbing on the bookcase and trying to figure out what it was. It flew down the stairs and stopped when it got to the door, like it ran into it and stopped.

A couple of seconds later it began flying around the room we were in, only we couldn’t see it. We thought maybe it could’ve been in the wall, but they had a huge window and it just wasn’t possible for whatever it was to be flying between the glass.

We had flashlights and we turned on the lights. There was nothing there but the sound of it flying around. Eventually it stopped.

We stayed up for a while and then went back to sleep.

The next day we told the owners of the house about it and they didn’t really have anything to say other than it must’ve been a rodent or something. The wife worked weekdays and the husband was usually home during the day, but sometimes he would go out. The next creepy thing that happened was when I was by myself in the house. I was in the living room and I heard a man’s voice say “Hey” to me, clear as day. It came from the hallways that led to the bedrooms. I walked over but no one was there. I told my boyfriend about it but since he wasn’t there how would he know.

The next day he and I were on the couch, and the husband was in his room. The door was shut. My boyfriend and I heard a man’s voice call my name, it said, “Hey Jeanna, come here for a second…” It sounded like his voice. I walked up to his door, knocked on it and slowly opened it. He looked surprised, and I said what’s up? He said what? And I said didn’t you just call me? And he said, um, not, I’m kind of sleeping… I was like oh ok…

That really freaked me and my boyfriend out. That house was very old and I believe Maine is very sacred land, so who knows what happened on their property years ago. All I know is, spirits are real, as we are all spirits. Alive or in the afterlife, we are all connected in one way or another.