The Library Book I Found

OMG I’M SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS! Okay, so I copied down this thing or something I found? It’s not really a story but when I went to scan out a book from the school’s library, inside the book (it’s about studying tips and whatnot), I found a post it note that had an eight number code, 20846398. I guessed that the code corresponds with that of a book in the library and cause I’m a wannabe detective and die hard Taken and Sherlock fan, I thought I’d solve this little mystery myself. I also just knew that I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I knew what it meant so… I asked the librarian to look for the book under that number, saying it was a request of a family member (just in case it turned out to be something f****d up). The woman did as I asked and came up with a book under the title: “A collection of Supernatural stories”. What a cliche name. I scanned out the book anyway and checked the most recent scan-out date in the front stamp sheet, besides my own. The two books were out at roughly the same time, and, seeing as the supernatural book was only ever taken out three times before, I decided it was no coincidence. About the story anyway! I just copied down the scattered notes, underlinings and folded pages inside this book. Here’s what I found:

Page 6 – Post it note – Jay come to X40
Page 8 – Post it note – I need you to join me
Page 20 – folded page – Legend of the Wendigos.

Basically explaining what Wendigos are and a s****y little attempt at a scary story here. If you don’t know what Wendigos are then why are you here? Just kidding, don’t rage. Wendigos (in a really simple answer) are a type of supernatural being that become what they are as a result of cannibalism. They tend to live in forests and mountains. Their appearance differs depending on the story but there are two main appearances that are popular. The first being that they are an amalgamation of a deer’s head, human’s torso and horse legs, usually thin and resemble a rotting corpse. And the other is basically that Wendigos are just basically pale humanoids that look something like a generic creepypasta monster like the Rake or something, still creepy af though.

Page 39 – Marked words – inside is medicine
Page 84 – Post it note – It’s happening.

It’s f*****g weird isn’t it?? So anyway, I found out that all these numbers are the ones matching the book’s 8 digit number code. When you put them into the correct order following the code you get this:

Page 20 – Legend of the Wendigo (info on the creatures)
Page 84 – It’s happening
Page 6 – Jay come to X40
Page 39 – inside is medicine
Page 8 – I need you to join me

Dunno about you guys or whoever’s reading but I’ve got f*****g CHILLS. Creepy s**t that I don’t want to get into. But still, I really do. What if it’s all cult s**t though? I should know by all these creepypastas and s**t im into that this would turn out bad. Then again, creepypastas aren’t actually real so maybe I’m just hoping it’s more interesting than it actually is.

Oh, I bet I’ll be asked: “If this is real, why post it on a creepypasta site?” And to that I say: This is the only place where I can tell you this s**t and not be asked if I’m insane. Even if that does mean you don’t believe me, that’s cool with me, I just needed to put this out somewhere at least.

By the way, if you have any suggestions on what I should do next, it would really be appreciated. I mean f**k, I’m torn between curiosity and paranoia right now.

  • Hubz

    Be honest: is this real? Because if it is i will take time with well thought advice. If not then I’m out

    • Shann0w026

      This is the only problem with posting here, it is to me but i cant really persuade you further than this, sorry.

  • Sierraa

    what would X40 be though?

    • Shann0w026

      Because this took a while to be posted, i found out that there are leters for each wing of this building (it has youth groups in 2 areas, the main library in one and a sort of… mind cleansing thing??? (Idk) in the last. Theyre named under wings: w, x, y, z. X being one of the youth group areas. But there isnt a door no.40…. i dunno.

      • Nadiya Khalid

        Maybe there is a secret door or the number have been changed

        • Nadiya Khalid

          And about these notes maybe some person was telling this guy name Jay to do these things and was communicating to him through these notes.

          • Shann0w026

            Thats what i think too but im not sure what he was trying to say

          • Hubz

            40 could mean anything if it is talking about the wing. It could mean number of pages, the last number on a book code, counting from left to right 40 books. It could even be a book title. And in another comment you said something about a club… could there be 40 members? And is one possibly named Jay?

          • Shann0w026

            But if that where the case then why would he tell ‘Jay’ to come to Jay?

    • Paul

      X coordinant of 40

      • Shann0w026

        X is the letter of one of the parts of the building. Under part X is a youth group area but idk what the 40 means… its not a door number… ill go back to the library and look around again, maybe ill visit the youth club and see if anthing relates.

        • Puddin Tane

          Maybe 40 steps from the start of the “x” wing????

          • Shann0w026

            Could be

  • Phil Boyd

    Any updates on this? Very intrigued. In regards to x40, how many people are involved with this youth group? Are there more than 40? If so, maybe if there is like a ledger or common list of members, it could be the 40th member?

    • Phil Boyd

      Does it tell you who checked the book out last? Or when it was last checked out? If so and if it was recently checked out, you can assume that the notes were left recently and assume that Jay is someone who regularly goes to the library. Find Jay, find some answers.

      • Shann0w026

        I will add an update but it will take a while to be published so dont worry.

  • Daniel Di Benedetto

    That was pretty damn interesting. I believe you. I’m curious as to what you’ll do about it. Please update if anything intriguing happens.