Angel of Death

He was sitting in his bed. Millions of tubes running in and out of him. Fighting to keep his eyes open even though he haven’t slept in days. And it showed, dry lips, face losing color, patches of dry skin all over his face, and he was losing his hair at a fast rate. Looking up to the ceiling he mustered a prayer for help. His vision was turning fuzzy.

A figure moved and shaped its form in the shadows. It was a lady dressed in all black as if she came from a funeral. To top it of she had black wings. She gracefully floated to the man and smiled. The man returned the look. As she was getting closer to he bed. The man closed his eyes and breathed in an air and looked out side to see the sun set. A beautiful site it was. After he had his fun with the view, he turned his head and closed his eyes and smiled. The woman kissed his lips. BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP click.

  • Diablo

    Hey. I just wanted u to know that this story had so much potential .it could have gone places .Really I was hooked but there was a problem. It was too short .and there was not enough details .I hate to see such a good story line go bad .I don’t mean to offend u. I just wanted to let u know that. That’s all

    • Lily


      • DannyPhantom79

        I just read a story about a demon child named Lily are you get? I now that was a bad joke I’ll show myself out

        • Lily


          • DannyPhantom79

            Apologies haha 😓

  • DannyPhantom79
